Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Done and Done

I turned in my official two week notice yesterday afternoon to my boss Rick who is the company President and heir apparent to his father. It was twice as smooth as I imagined it would be. I was not counter offered which was a pleasant surprise. I expected it but I also think it is a move of desperation. To borrow a phrase from Nobrainer, "Desperation is a stinky colgne." With this in mind I was extremely pleased to not have to deal with it and proud my boss didn't go that route. This occured between 5:30 and 6 last night. This morning we told Richard (Rick's dad and the CEO). He was shocked and disappointed that I would be leaving. Rick was also disappointed but not nearly as shocked. I have a feeling this stems from a fear he has had over the past year or two (he expressed this concern) along with the donscontent that I have been expressing from time to time and my curiosity in leaving this office for another one in the company. I will be having an exit interview sometime this week over lunch. I really don't want to sling any mud or say something taht could jeopardize a good working relationship moving forward but I think if their are any fireworks, that's when they will happen.


Anonymous said...

I hope this new job pays you lots of money, because you still owe me a lid for my fry-daddy. Congrats.

The Double D said...

I bought you a lid within a week of melting the last one.

Anonymous said...

I must have lost it. Get me another one. I think I need a whole new fry daddy for that matter. You buying?

Lawtonfunk said...

Man, I wish I had a fry daddy again. We used to come home at 5AM and fry everything . .

Anonymous said...

They are great, aren't they? Unfortunately, Wha melted the (plastic) lid on mine at the Ridge because he thought the oil would heat up faster if he left it on. The really sad part is that while my lid was melting he was sitting at the table studying for a heat transfer test. No wonder he went into sales.

Agent Orange said...

Yeah, fry daddies in college and all the experimentation that goes on is a bad idea in general. I remember coming back to 300 Woodland and finding the strangest stuff being created, LOOK! Deep Fried XXXXX (Fill in the blannk). I was like going to a fair in hell, everything was deep fried and you didn't know what "everything" was.

Lawtonfunk said...

Agent, you're missing the point. It was deep fried!

The Double D said...

Can anything truly be "deep fried" in a Fry Daddy? That's why we have the giant vat of oil at tailgates to cook with now.

Lawtonfunk said...

I guess you only blogged from work. Where are you? I'm in the middle of nowhere-blogging is the only thing keep me sane . . .

no, wait, blogging and jack danials are the . . .
- blogging, MarioKart, and Jack Danials are the only things keeping me sane.