Sunday, November 04, 2007


So I was in Durham visiting friends and catching the second half of the Tiger's butt kicking of the Blue Devils part of this past weekend. The friends whose home we invaded hada Nintendo Wii. It was actually pretty cool. One game inparticular was the similuated boxing game that comes on what I believe is the base game card with the machine. If you don't know, the Wii uses some pretty cool technology to go wireless on the controllers without having to aim directly at an infrared receiver. With these controllers, most sports games require you to simulate the motion intended for the result you want. So in boxing, so are pretty much shadow boxing. Pretty cool for a while but when you play roughly three hours, and you haven't been working those muscles, espcially in the back and shoulders, you are sore. So, yes, you read this correctly. I'm pretty sore from playing video games. Laugh now, but go play this game for a while (and yes it's very addictive) and talk to me a day or so later. You'll feel what I mean.


Lawtonfunk said...

I played it for maybe 30 minutes and I'm sore.

I feel for you man.

Agent Orange said...

I got tennis elbow from the damn thing