Sunday, October 30, 2005

Hey Norm!

Yes folks, Harry was back. The costume was a bit modified, the drunk was not nearly as severe, and he made his way home, sober. As you can see from the link below, Mac caught him in action, mustard stain and all. Due to the fact the bars were beyond packed, thought I had a bit more cash on me when heading down town and the fact I didn’t want to deal with running a tab, I shut the alcohol train down around midnight or 12:30 (prior to time change). By the time we got everyone to the car it was 3 (2 with time change, I guess). I was even responsible for getting our extremely drunk friend out of the bar as she couldn’t stand up. She was barely dressed in our costume so I looked either like the best friend she could have or someone getting ready to commit a very foul crime. Keeping her from falling in her own pineapple and vodka volcano and turning my head while she popped a squat put me in good friend zone for sure. Poot was around to help (that’s him in the Hank Jr. outfit next to me). He was trying to help the other chic find her phone while I tended to the drunk. By the way, these are the same two girls from last weekend and they came by to hang out Friday while Poot and I laid into half a handle of JD and sketched the face onto the wicked pumpkin I carved. The other did kind of piss us off late night as she was all up on A.D.D. boy. Not that we cared she wanted someone other than Poot or I but this guy is just a straight dumbass and I won’t go into that any further. As mentioned, Mac was there to partake late after his journey through some Haunted Forrest. He was dressed as the Donnie something or another, Beaver Hunter from the Bob and Tom Show, I swear to god he was. It was a pretty fun weekend. Nothing super fantastic but not nearly as expensive as the butt whipping in Atlanta would have been. See The Sporting Gnome on the sidebar for Bowman’s thoughts on that.

Oh, and the Jack poster in the background no longer hangs on that wall. It’s not in our possession at the moment but we do know where it is.

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

I am a Leader

In being a big fat blog dork. I was originally going to get on here to rant about something related to Nobrainer's blog concerning the government and big business and the political bandwagons. You know, blogs are a political thing, or so my boss thought until I enlightened him a couple months ago. Becuase ranting about the above is dorky enough. Then I decided to venture outside Nobrainer Inc. and see what others were writing. Agent Orange updated yesterday and last Thursday. Not bad. He has something on the Sporting Gnome pages too. The sad part is half his college readership isn't getting redirected to the updated material automatically and are reading his "I'm moving post." Funk is doing a good job of keeping up after a few slumps in late summer. Poot has crapped out since his Boobies jaunt (granted he was gone for a while) . The Stinky Recluse never really got going. Nobrianer, is well Nobrianer. The kid gets mucho linked to other sites and is in grad school. What else is he going to do other than head south to drink with the JDGA? Jessie's Jungle...yeah if you call a cemetary a jungle. Skippy looks to haverealized he is too cool and moved on from his IBO (Inital Blog Offering for anyone looking for a copyright). Malph is lagging too. Half my readers don't even have sites. I shouldn't really count Orange's new monologue either. Shut down the old one or build an auto redirect damn it.
Basically what I am getting at is that, no matter how useless most of my crap is, I have made it through one year of posting as of yesterday. The last 7 weeks have been without home PC (save the "Do work while at work, Wha" comments and I have been able to hold my own and bring a little humor to most of you crackheads, while holding steady at multiple postings a week if nota couple on any given day. And I'm a contributor to another page which is taking much of my sports knowledge. I am doing a pretty damn good job I think. Now, let's go home and pour a tall stiff one, put on the helmet, break out the Harray Carry gear for the weekend, celebrate my blog dorkiness, and say in unison


Someone fill me in

So as most of you probably know from Nobrianer Inc. thing didn't go my way on Saturday night. I even got cold shouldered, or so it seemed Sunday. This is the part I didn't quite understand. They knew I was chilling by myself and invited me to come hang out. Get there and I see it was only Jay and the girls. Two boys, two girls, sounds like a properly devised plan from highschool. I don't know. Girl two stayed covered in a blanket curled up on a one person chase lounger that was sepearted from the couch. This went on for two hours. After the shows, I took off and headed home. Little conversation was had and I didn't have to deal with A.D.D. guy or any other random dudes. I think I need to revert back to July mentallity. Fun girls, good to hang out and party every now and then, no interest past that, and go on. Oh well, I didn't have any real expectations but I did screw up part Nobrianers weekend and possibly messed up an Asian persuasion weekend.

Thursday, October 20, 2005

Today Sucks Ass Tater

Okay, so it's almost lunch and the shit storm of the world has descended upon me. I have previously mentioned test tonight. No big deal. I am leaving here around 4:30 to head towards class, meet a classmate to finalize our note sheets and wear out the test. Two days ago this was my largest headache. Not anymore. Yesterday afternoon I was informed that I needed to attend a meeting with city facility people, and Carrier who purchased some equipment from the company before I was solely handling the account with them. Well, enter the meeting at 9AM and find out that the past two months of fixing a quality problem with said equipment has gone nowhere and if anything has actually created more problems. I have inherited this thing I guess and will be fixing it. They are helping pay my bills in a big way, guess I have to get my hands dirty at some point though I have had nothing to do with the screw ups of the past 2-3 months. Enter me TRYING to leave the meeting site. I get in my car turn the key and get a whole lotta nothin. A little clicking sound indicating my starter works but that's it. Being that I am slightly above the average army mule intelligence wise, I turned off any and all electrical devices in the car and try to re-crank. Nothing as I figured it would be. Remember, I drove the same said vehicle to this site an hour earlier. It's not wanted to crank well for a week or so but not been a major problem and the voltmeter was hovering close enough to center to not overly concern me. Charlie came to get me/jump the car off and still nothing. I gotta couple hundred bucks riding on a new alternator and another 65 on the tow to the dealership. Fortunately the towing company and dealership are relatively close to where I was and where I work. Now if I can get my car back in time to head to University this evening I will be in good shape. On a brighter note, I can't get called out of the office now so maybe I will get some work done. Nah- the shit storm will continue to rain. At this point I am just hoping the JD supply is refurbished when I finally get home in whatever fashion that may be and that the size of the next turd that hit's me isn't so big.

Addnenum 1 (2:45): I just found out that the alternator is fine. Thank goodness I took it to the dealership and not Joe Bob's fix it quick, as they actually checked the peice first. It was the battery, which makes me feel a little better but more of a fool. I was not aware that a battery could go form being able to start your car without problem to not having the juice to play your radio in an hours time. And the lights are on an auto sensor so they were off as well. Who knew? I didn't and hopefully my bank account won't notice as much now either.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Demo-craps and my favorite shows

Okay, so the apartment had an epiphany last night. As you know, ABC has wedged in this crap drama called “Commander in Chief” about Jenna Davis becoming President, blah, blah, blah. It’s not the show so much that gets me as the time slot. They put this liberal filth right after mindless redneck comedies such as “According to Jim” and “Rodney.” These shows serve their purpose well, giving me a good chuckle or two as I prepare/eat dinner. Next falls this liberal crap which we have decide is being used simply to dumb America down more for the Hillary ’08 push that will ensue in t-minus, no, wait, 2 days after Bush’s re-election, that already lifted off. Here it what I know about the show. It’s unrealistic, Donald Sutherland’s character doesn’t think she should continue in her position. Kudos to the character. Boo for him being involved in this crap. I expected nothing less of Ms Davis. Anyway, by sliding this in, the typical American knucklehead is exposed to this attempt to desensitize before their nerves can twitch quick enough to what ever channel your NBC affiliate runs on to catch more redneck humor with “My Name is Earl.” Even those who make conscience attempts to avoid this brainwashing end up being somewhat exposed. If not from the previews that run during every major ABC program commercial break and intro to the show but to the last few minutes and previews of next weeks episode after we have switched back to ABC for “Boston Legal,” one of the finer shows currently airing, if not the funniest. Now, I salute ABC for their new line of shows over the past year or so. This garbage is getting good reviews and ratings (Thanks liberal media who are behind this plot!) but “Desperate Housewives” and the aforementioned Legal hold their own and I make time to watch them. I find humor in “Grey’s Anatomy” and enjoy Katherine Heigl’s scenes especially. “Lost” seems to get great reviews, an Emmy, and has a large following of people as well, though I have never really been into it. Note, all these shows have plots and are not of the reality genre. Good for them. My only problem is why did ABC have to screw with the rotation. Housewives and Legal were a slam dunk for locking people into the Sunday night spot. I think most watch the redneck comedy regardless. I know Grey’s came on strong Sunday’s in the Legal time spot, and Legal could hold it’s own anywhere else on the schedule, especially in a typically weak Tuesday night spot. Why though, did they have to put this commander crap in I ask, why?! I’ll tell you this. It wasn’t to lock up Tuesday’s as obviously with the addition of Legal they were getting the intellectual, late adult crowd and had the average Joe families already locked up in primetime. It’s simply a ploy to get he public used to idea of a woman President, I.E. Hillary. Easily attempted considering they are exposing two typically different demographics, with a wide range of political affiliation (working class, conservative, and upper crust across the board) to this theme and that it is ok. Disclaimer time: Now, if a female candidate comes along in the next 25 years and they are the best candidate (Mrs. Rice) I may vote for them, especially based on where they stand on issues, and if they run as the lead candidate. This seems like too much of a setup though with the VP stepping into office, ala what we see coming with Senator I can’t keep my husband, the former President, happy. Ok, so I have plugged my favorite shows, got that little bit of frustration off my chest, and exposed the liberal subplot. I feel better.

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

710 Miles

That was the grand total from pulling out of the office Thursday morning, headed for Raleigh until I pulled back in the same space yesterday morning. Over 12 hours of solitude on the road. I can't complain. The trade show in Raleigh was worth while. The game was sloppy but had the outcome I was looking for as a pleasant change. Got home at a reasonable hour on Friday and watched my high school but it one of the highschools truly in the mountains. Did morethan my share of yard work on Saturday. Had a good dinner (and got left overs to bring back) that night while vegging out infront of college football/race/MLB playoffs. Lunch with dad and fam on Sunday then the journey home which was culminated in a game of poker and a couple games of billiards. Fortunately, with 2 rebuys, I only lsot 10 bucks. Guess that's what happens when the BS shots mix in with a decent game and your original buy-in ends up being free. I am still tired and a test is coming on Thursday along with the retrun of the punishing test from two weeks ago, tomorrow. The middle of the week isn't looking so hot but things could turn around...I hope.

Sunday, October 09, 2005

Rock Star

Poot and I wore it out last night. Had dinner partially funded by old gift certificates last night. Can't beat the Rockhampton Ribeye at Outback. Headed home to let things settle a bit and get hte ball rolling with a Jack and Coke (needed the caffenice to prevent food coma) then headed down town. Hit Phil's for a minute to grab my credit card from Thursday night and check out their hotass bartenders. Struck up a little conversation with a very cute FSU alum who was trying to see what their score had been earlier. Nothing of any substance came of it but I definetly pulled a Wha and dropped the ball on getting a phone number, especially considering she made a point to say it was very nice to meet me, blah blah blah, on her way out. Moved on to Dixie's and met up with a couple we know that had called earlier in the evening. They had a smokin hot friend with them too. Great scenery and we drank and partied for the next 3-4 hours at Dixies and Buckhead. One of the most fun nights on the town in quite a while. They cockblock Poot with an other chic at Buckhead though, not cool. the best part was they aren't afraid of a little ass grabbing bandit and even turn it around on you. Good Times! This morning was little rough but a couple advils, lunch, water, and a coke took care of all that. Now I'm in the office tying up last weeks loose ends and trying to get things in line for this week so I can get out of town for the NC State game and a weekend with the fam in TN.

Friday, October 07, 2005

For your weekend laughing pleasure. Let it be noted that though I am fully responsible for this post being up I did not create the image nor did I have anything to do with any of the characters having likenesses to people real or fake. It is just damn funny material.  Posted by Picasa

It's Over..Kinda

Well, I took it from that Investments test Wednesday. I haven't taken it from a test like that since Fluids or Strengths but oh well, the rectum is beginning to heal nicely. Yesterday sucked. Why do crappy ass storm systems move into town the one day I need it to be nice outside during work. The weather sucks, no one like to go out in that and henceforth a ton of tie and effort for atrade show was sent down the strom drain, literally. Now it's pitched a friggin tent and setup shop over this area all weekend. Another last ditch chance to go to the lake, foiled again. At least I get to sit on my butt all weekend and do nothing....well, other than get piss drunk downtown for the first time in forever. I just hope the voicemails I am abotu to check don't suck to bad. The email from the past two days weren't too rough, so I got that going for me.

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

One of those days

You ever have one of those days when you wake up with a sick to your stomache feeling? Just praying you can get through all the things to do at work and otherwise, without letting anyone down or screwing your self over with a poor performance in one of them. Yeah, that's today and tomorrow.