Thursday, October 20, 2005

Today Sucks Ass Tater

Okay, so it's almost lunch and the shit storm of the world has descended upon me. I have previously mentioned test tonight. No big deal. I am leaving here around 4:30 to head towards class, meet a classmate to finalize our note sheets and wear out the test. Two days ago this was my largest headache. Not anymore. Yesterday afternoon I was informed that I needed to attend a meeting with city facility people, and Carrier who purchased some equipment from the company before I was solely handling the account with them. Well, enter the meeting at 9AM and find out that the past two months of fixing a quality problem with said equipment has gone nowhere and if anything has actually created more problems. I have inherited this thing I guess and will be fixing it. They are helping pay my bills in a big way, guess I have to get my hands dirty at some point though I have had nothing to do with the screw ups of the past 2-3 months. Enter me TRYING to leave the meeting site. I get in my car turn the key and get a whole lotta nothin. A little clicking sound indicating my starter works but that's it. Being that I am slightly above the average army mule intelligence wise, I turned off any and all electrical devices in the car and try to re-crank. Nothing as I figured it would be. Remember, I drove the same said vehicle to this site an hour earlier. It's not wanted to crank well for a week or so but not been a major problem and the voltmeter was hovering close enough to center to not overly concern me. Charlie came to get me/jump the car off and still nothing. I gotta couple hundred bucks riding on a new alternator and another 65 on the tow to the dealership. Fortunately the towing company and dealership are relatively close to where I was and where I work. Now if I can get my car back in time to head to University this evening I will be in good shape. On a brighter note, I can't get called out of the office now so maybe I will get some work done. Nah- the shit storm will continue to rain. At this point I am just hoping the JD supply is refurbished when I finally get home in whatever fashion that may be and that the size of the next turd that hit's me isn't so big.

Addnenum 1 (2:45): I just found out that the alternator is fine. Thank goodness I took it to the dealership and not Joe Bob's fix it quick, as they actually checked the peice first. It was the battery, which makes me feel a little better but more of a fool. I was not aware that a battery could go form being able to start your car without problem to not having the juice to play your radio in an hours time. And the lights are on an auto sensor so they were off as well. Who knew? I didn't and hopefully my bank account won't notice as much now either.


Agent Orange said...

Good Luck man.....sounds like a bitch.

Lawtonfunk said...

Sometimes having a stick shift pays off. I consistantly had bad batters with my old 87 civic. (Okay, I was a dumbass kid and left the light on all the time.) With a stick when the battery was low, I could just roll the car and pop the clutch. It was sweet.

I hope your test goes well.

See you tomorrow at the tailgate.

Nobrainer said...

It is surprising that your battery went from ok to zero so quickly. I had that happen once, but it was shortly after I'd lost an alternator and probably did some good damage to the battery itself.

How old was your battery though? It seems most of them have 5 year warranties. I wouldn't have thought yours would wear out that fast. Then again, I remember Mac saying he always killed his batteries well before the warranty expired, which was nice because he always got free batteries.

Agent Orange said...

I had a similar problem a few years back. make sure your connection aren't corroded. That drains the battery big time along with charging items when the car isn't running. If you connections are corroded, make a thick paste with baking soda and scrub the corrosion off with a toothbrush and paste. Clean thoroughly and that should take care of the corrosion. Worked for me and I haven't had problems since.

The Double D said...

Yeah, it's fixed. Definietly not a cheap battery but it's over and done and the alternaotr was checked out and is good to go. As for warranties, I don't know what on my car is covered as half of it is repaired at this point. Screw it, it's paid for and I am already saving for the next one.

Anonymous said...

the lights on that crappy jeep when set to auto can come on... the stalks evidently go bad over time.

Mine is possessed and will turn the lights on at will when them set to auto. Even with the key off and in the middle of the day.

well, I still like my jeep.