Monday, October 25, 2004

Clemson Mediocrity


So Saturday was the essence of Tommy West football. I am glad we are running our team with with all the offensive efficiencies of 1996. Does anyone else think that Rodriquez may have been the magic behind the offense? I think the mathmagicians in any stat room will tell you that. They will also tell you that Charlie needs to either get out of the wieght room and get his touch back, or quit getting juiced up before games. Our receivers don't have Manbute Bol height and the safeties don't have to do anything special to keep the play 15 yards ahead of them and wait for the ball to come sailing their way. While I have this sopa box out and stand firmly on top of it: What ever happened to the slant and/or drag routes? Anyone remember West ball when we would run him 5 yards across the middle on 3rd and 7. Not that it was a good call in those days, cause the man is lucky to still have a head, but throwing those short quick routes tend to freeze linebackers for that extra second it takes to drop back and make pass. 2 seconds in the pocket without scrambling won't exactly cut it when all the receivers are running 15-25 yard routes. If you want to see what I am talking about, catch some UT clips with receivers like Peerless Price from the mid '90's. It amazing what someone with speed (Currie, Stucky) can do when they catch the ball at full speed out of the slot, running perpendicular to the safety and behind the linebackers. I have seen more 10 yard first downs and 65 yard busted coverage TD's out of this play then any of this drop it in a bucket on the sideline for 45 yard crap. I could set up a Greek Bowl defense to stop what we have been bringing at teams.


Nobrainer said...

Ya know, I see words, but all I can get out of it is, "wha, wha, wha, wha." It's like I'm stuck in class in a Peanuts cartoon.

Agent Orange said...

As I am proficient in hortonese I can say that I agree with Todd and have also pondered why we are not attacking the short pass. Hell the safeties would at least not get the head start into the backfield if he thought a tight end might squeeze off for a 5 or more pass! At least we still have our "special" kingsport friend to juice up and entertain us while we go 3 and out for the rest of the season. And for your last post, I basically do the same as Lawton but have the great ability of calling up OEE at the click of the mouse button to cover anything. It's great read a blog, someone rounds the corner and hey I am looking at the efficiency of a line!

Lawtonfunk said...

Looks like Horton was right about the short pass. GO TIGERS!!!