Wednesday, October 18, 2006

My Bad

As with most of the blogs linked on teh sidebar, less Nobrainer, I've been pretty slow and boring in posting recently. Sorry folks. I've been pretty darn busy but no great stories have entailed. Went home, sister backed into the car but no major damage though the fam sent me back to Charlotte in a sweet ride for about 10 days while mine was made pretty again. Had dinner with them tonight as they spent the day in town and swapped cars back. Been doing some random stuff at night, working a lot, working on the beer pong table. Took a long weekend following Temple game. Spent Friday sleeping. Seriously, due to hang over, until 3:30 and not back to normal until like 6. Weekend was dedicated to doing a bunch of piddly stuff around the house. BAck in the gym routine. That's about it. Most blog efforts are at the Gnomes along with Agent and some of Nobrainers attention. This weekend holds much promise with the biggest game in the ACC schedule in the Valley to coincide with Homecoming. Serious tailgating will ensue. The reason the effort but forth for the pong table. Guess that's it. I come up with stupide story to tell over the weekend or some insight or why I hate the national media or why I think gas prices suck (well, maybe the first one of that batch). Until then, hang on for a few more days. Some girl may get drunk and hang around me long enough to make things interesting between now and then. Honestly, no one in mind, but stranger things have happened.

1 comment:

Lawtonfunk said...

I've started working out again, too-in the moring...see post for details