Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Hey Norm!

If the moon was made of cheese, would you eat it?

I would!

Hey Norm!

If you were a hot dog would you eat yourself?

Huh Norm, well would ya?


I would be covered by spicy brown mustard and relish, I'ld be delicious. The I'ld wash myself down with an ice cold Budweiser. It'ld be great.


Lawtonfunk said...

Sam: How's it going, Norm?

Norm: It's a dog eat dog day and I'm wearing milkbone underwear.

The Double D said...

Funk, I think you missed the boat on this one. Haray Caray from SNL, not Norm and Sam from Cheers.

Lawtonfunk said...

I knew what you were talking about. I'm sharing a joke that pops in my head every time I here the name, Norm.

The Double D said...

I see said the blind man

Nobrainer said...

The crows seemed to be calling his name thought Caw.

Lawtonfunk said...

When I first got to Kindergarten, every time someone said, "Will . . ." I looked up to respond. They were always asking a question. It was a constant reminder that people didn't know me or didn't like me. I soon learned to ignore my own name. So, calling me Lawton is nice. Just an FYI in the early development of the Funk.