Monday, May 08, 2006

You got booted

Most people are familiar with the song they play on American Idol when someone gets kicked off. "Bad Day" It getsa lot of airplay on the Top 40 and Adult Contemp radio channels. More than I care for though the song can be quite fitting from time to time. Suprisingly, since I have been living on my own for a month or so, I have been able to avoid that song at least once a week. Of little shock it's at then end of that show that I no longer get my dose. Don't get me wrong, Pickler was hot, dumb blonde and the McPhever chich is rediculously sexy but I just don't care for the show. Other than a couple Kelly Clarkson songs, what has it really produced? Not a whole damn lot.
Anyway, most of the last paragraph has been a random tangent not related to this post. My day has been crap.Stayed at the office until 7ish, came home and still have an hours work to do only so I can get up early and go back to work to get out this quote (that I will type myself, thank god I am one of 5 sales people in the office proficient enough to do so) but that is not the issue. Today's mail was packed. Lots of the nomal crap and some I was expecting. Of the crap was a Williams Sonoma catalog. Cool kitchen shit that I can't afford or even afford to finance. Pipe dreams. That was fun to skim through. The others, coupons. Not just any coupon though, 20% off at Bed and Bath. Not the crappy one purchase thing we got in the mail, but the whole damn purchase. Yeah, so that would have started offsetting the other. I won't say the number but let you math wizards or calculator owners figure it out. Due to previously mentioned incident, my car insurance is officially upa factor of 4, inclusive of my copolicy discounts, etc. The base was somewhere in the $400/6 month range. You do the math. So between the coin I will be forking out (expected, but not at this level ) and the coin I didn't save because the coupon vendors are about a month late (who lives without most of this shit or without updating if they had already planned on it for that long) I am not in a happy mood. I'm celebrating tonights glory with a tall Jack and Ginger or 5. If ya hear me, raise a glass. If ya don't, raise one to "Fuck It" or go away.

Oh yeah, and other stuff isn't going the way I hoped unless I got a really good phone message while I was posting this. Again, fuck it.


Agent Orange said...

Uhh, man I leave Charlotte and all hell breaks loose.....What happened?!

The Double D said...

Um, I hate the mailman and my insurance people but would probalby hate other insurance people more. I stress over crap I shouldn't and read too much into some thing and not enough into others. Being grown up sucks. High school drama blew and college is a blur. So, um yeah, can I just retire to drinking whiskey, fishing, and playing golf with other old people that don't have to worry about money, sex, or anything past not crapping themselves? I seriously belong in an assisted livingor at least retirement community. Anyones parents/grandparents got an extra room? I can still be handy around the house and cook on occasion if I really want to.

Nobrainer said...

Time for a pep talk, I see:

"Bitches are all just panty droppers. You understand? That's it. You give 'em Percaset, two Vicadin and a couple of beers, and the panties drop. It's very nice."

Lawtonfunk said...

A Funk pep talk:

Last night I went out for Japenese, next thing you know . . . I was at home playing Counter Strike on the CPU.

I did hear a new saying, "She's hotter than a bag of mexican asswholes."

Poot said...

A poot pep talk:

Bitches aint shit, but hoes and tricks... lick on deez nutz and suck the dick. Get's the fuck out after your done, And i hops in my ride to make a quick run.