Friday, August 10, 2007

Weather Man

Those who read this probably know I have an "thing" for the weather. No, I don't get "excited" by it but I like to know what the forecast is, like to know there is a chance in hell that the forecast I am getting will be correct, and I like taking my own stab at with a bit of commentary on how it will affect goings on. Let me continue by saying, this week has sucked. OK, I know I live in the Piedmont area, an area prone to high heat and humidity during the summer. Hey, we get mild winters and the legitimate threat of severe weather (Tornadoes, Hurricane's, etc) are minimal compared to other places with a similar climate. This will be the 3rd or 4th day in a row that the thermometer has topped 100. I'm not talking hit the mark, I'm talking exceeded it. So hot that even with my windows down, the steering wheel is almost too hot to touch. I had some Nivea Q10 heat so much in my car yesterday that it oozed out of the pump, with the cap still on.
Now I knew it was going to be a warm one. Initially the week was forecast to be much like what we had the one prior and this upcoming. Mid 90's lows around 70. As the week went on, not only did they update it but the temps kept bumping up, and have been achieved. This weekend we are supposed to be back in the mid 90's and sadly this will be our "relief" for the next week as Monday and Tuesday it's supposed to push 100, again. The 10 day has us in the upper 80's the end of next week, and you know that crap isn't right. That forecast is only based on historical data for the date and has no relevance to what is actually going to happen. I guess all this will make fall that much more pleasurable. "Sweltering" tailgates in the sun in the 80's won't seem nearly as bad. I know I won’t have to worry about melting Bowman at least. Now if my grass would just stop growing, I would be ok. Mowing in this crap sucks. And for you people in the swath from Augusta GA through Fayetteville NC, I know, you have it even worse but you knew this going in.


Lawtonfunk said...

Last Wednesday I was leaving the gym at 7 (pm. It was 105.

I had mowed my front lawn last Sunday (8 days ago) with the intent of mowing the back monday. I just got to the back yesterday. I kept coming home and passing out. I shit you not. It was that hot here

Anonymous said...

Why do you have Nivea Q10? Do you have cellulite issues? That's a chick thing.

The Double D said...

Well, I didn't call it by it's full name but it's face lotion with SPF 15. You find it next to the after shave and the crap actually works. Ask half the people who read this blog that also use it. You know my skin and how cool it is. I need all the help I can get. Straight from their web site:

Specially formulated for men, NIVEA FOR MEN® Revitalizing Lotion Q10 revitalizes, moisturizes, and protects tired, stressed skin:

Revitalizes - leaves skin looking healthy, fresh and fit
Moisturizes - smoothes and helps maintain skin's elasticity
Protects - the combination of Vitamin E and SPF 15 helps to protect against UV rays

Directions: Apply to face morning and evening to leave your skin energized and looking fresh.

Dermatologist Tested and Approved

Anonymous said...

ahh. didn't realize there was anti-aging for men stuff on the mass market now.