Friday, August 05, 2005

Return of the Debauchery

Well, we have been in the new apart for right at a month now. We have only managed to polish off one bottle of Jack thus far, though number two stands a snowballs chance in hell of making past this evening. It may not make it past 8 if I don’t take a nap after work. One would have though that Poot and I would be bringing Skippy down to our level and that our ridiculousness would be reaching all time highs. This, however, has not been the case. I find that we are staying increasingly busy though none of us really have anything to do after work. We are also drinking much less…well, at least until this weekend. Skippy has been deposited with the friendly folks at American Airlines and is in NYC. We had two tall boy Jack and Gingers before heading uptown to drink. I don’t remember getting home, I slept in the shorts I wore out, and feel as though I am in a fog, though my office smells as though I am in a swamp. They go together pretty well, seems fitting. We did get to see the stripper with great fake ta-ta’s at Live @ 5. She was all touchy feely…at least until she went to get sick in the port-o-pots. Safe to say the alcohol was impairing her judgment for a while. I think, with a party tomorrow night at Kiwi’s and nothing set for tonight, it is safe to say we are back to our old ways. I will be ghetto rigging a volleyball net and helping attain the keg midday tomorrow with the reward of hanging out with Kiwi’s roommates and free alcohol. I just hope that I have the capacity to recap on Sunday. When I say capacity I really mean the ability to remember the things we did. Hopefully someone will be wearing a green skirt or bathing suit because the shirt and comments will be primed and ready to go.

1 comment:

Agent Orange said...

"Wha...let me out Wha...I want to be enjoyed as you bask in your glory"

That's the Jack calling damnit, now go get er done!