Sunday, August 07, 2005

The Sunday Recap

The Jack bottle is still standing. I definitely came home and slept for three hours after work Friday. Woke up to no roommates and no desire to track anyone down to go out. Had a quality evening of doing nothing and going to bed earlier than I do during the week. We were out of coke and ginger ale so I thought I would give the liver a rest and be prepared for Saturday.
It's a good thing I did so because damn that was a good party. The numbers weren't as great as was expect but any lack in quantity was made up for 3 fold in quality. Poot and I helped get the keg and took care of concreting the volleyball posts in their respective buckets. The posts set well but without tension strings to run off the side, the weight of the net pulled them over, as there was nothing actually under ground for support. Not our faults, we were in charge of concrete and no string was provided.
The ratio of girls to guys was very good and the ratio of girls interested in us to ones we found attractive was favorable as well. Needless to say the one I hit it off with lives out of town and is traveling to China for an extended time starting the end of the month. Rumor has it she has a boyfriend but either it’s not to seriously, or a light was shined down upon me by a higher power for she didn’t seem to care too much about that guy last night. I know most of you think this is just another excuse like I usually get (the traveling to some far off place thing), but it was verified and she definitely showed her interest in me as the night grew late. I will refrain from details as that wouldn't be proper but depending on technicalities, I think I could justifiably open the single barrel. Poot will probably chime in on this one, hopefully with a little class as he left me at the party and retrieved me this morning. Why he didn't stay is beyond me, unless I am missing something there. I hope so for him.
I do know for a fact that we were the party darlings to the girls as we didn't force ourselves on them unlike other party goers late in the evening and we helped get things set up early on prior to alcohol related memory lapse. I am pretty sure we will be invited back in the future. Hopefully I will be able to hold beer pong court on the “Thirsty Bitches” table again. Undefeated in 5 + games and managed to score this chic mentioned previously by recruiting her to play with me. Winning and talking some good shit always helps all the way around. I think they consider me a ringer as Kiwi claimed dibs on me this morning for future games. If any of you out there (dirty birds) think you can bring it, I may be establishing a home table so watch yourselves.


Agent Orange said...

Who gives a crap about your beer pong talents....COMMENT NOW POOT!! For the love of God is Jack going to be released?

Poot said...

I am not sure why i didnt stay that night either, God knows i had no business driving home, but i did. I think i thought i was going to meet up with Faith and Lyndsey as they left downtown, but i just drunkenly drove home. Wha was running some game on a chic with rather large breasteses while in the pool (she had no bathing suit, so resorted to her bra as a top). The story goes that she had her legs wrapped around him while he kissed her on the "nape of the neck". I "forgot" Wha as I drove home that night, forcing him to stay in the house with the girls. Apparently there was some serious spooning going on and the girl tried to take it to the next level by doing it in some position only seen on Sex-tetris. Wha, being white, was not capable of this position and was barely able for his skin boat to see the wonders of tuna town. Wouldnt have mattered though, he played beer pong for over two hours straight and did some shots in the pool. Jenna Jamison couldnt have gotten up him even if she tickled his undercarriage while sucking him like a watermelon through a garden hose. So can we release the Jack? Technically I say yes, since she was willing and ready and the soldiers helmet did take a quick dip in the clam juice. Isnt it punishment enough that Wha could have gotten laid and finished the job had it not been for whisky dick. We will let the bloggers decide.

The Double D said...

So much for class, oh well.

Poot said...

I missed the line that said you wanted me to do it with class. Actually, I didnt. It wouldn't have been as fun with class.

Lawtonfunk said...

Maybe you should just open the jack and tilt it to where it is just about to pour into the glass.

Lawtonfunk said...

And another thing, how big were her boobies? Did they bounce? Boobs.

Nobrainer said...

Actually, you should open the bottle, pour a glass, bring it to your lips, then stop, pour it back in the bottle and recap it.

Agent Orange said...

Why don't you uncork it until just the tip is in the bottle and leae it that way as a reminder to finish the job next time DAMNIT!

Agent Orange said...

Oh damn you got burned by matthews! Just like old times now all we need is Huggy Bunch, Jeffords and Carn to chime in!