Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Whatta Week

The past week started slow but as the watched pot doesn't boil, if you tok your eye off of it, you turned around to see it boiling over with things to talk about.

First, I returned to the gym in the other Under Armour top. No bleeding, but a little rubbing. Had potential to boil over so to speak but I lived. That was Thursday I believe. Friday, no serious gym issues with the shirt, didn't wear the armour. Today, I was good until I got home and knocked out the sit-ups. Nice little surprise when I looked down, yep, a little trail. I think it get's accentuated by the fact the armour pulls the sweat from the area it comes (top to bottom on me) so it gets ugly fast, none the less, embarrassing.
2nd on the list is SuperMac. He got published with the MACBOOST. anyone that can pull this off gets my props. And you thought he was a slacker? Get him motivated and you are screwed. He'll show you and everyone else their ass as seen above. Good job Mac, sell the hell out of em and remember the little people who help publicize (pimp) you later on. Congrats!
Next thing on the list, the folks came to town. As always a couple of good dinners and drinks on them. Oldest sister came as well with a friend. Always cool to have her in town. Got to impart big bro warnings on both of them as they are getting prepped for college in a year. I'm the big bro you all hated because I warned them in advance. Sue me, I'm actually responsible a little bit. Who'da thunk it?
Well while the folks were in town, we took a look at a couple houses that I had narrowed down from my search. There opinion was clear and was the shot in the arm that made the difference in the waffling I was going through. Newer house, near Lake Norman and all the fun stuff vs. older house near Ballantyne and all that has to offer. It boiled down to cash now and later vs. just cash now. I know the neighbors through work in Huntersville and now I am entered into a contract on it. Check it out here, Guess that means there is a place to crash in Charlotte now. At least plenty of floor space because really, what single guys needs furniture future women will want to replace anyway?
Guess that's it. Pending all the inspections and paperwork, I close in a month on March 31. Fun times. Taking Home of the Double D to a new level.

Saturday, February 18, 2006

Frozen Over

In more than one way I think this is happening to Charlotte this weekend. For starters, I am going on a date tomorrow. Completely blind though I saw a pic of the girl in a yearbook provided by the women I work with who is responsible, via her children. I'm not afraid but recognize her from a while back and hope she doens't do the same, just in case I did something stupid (shocker there). This isn't the news though. I told Skippy I would take him out for his birthday like a month ago and finally was able to follow through. Hit Fox and Hound for a good dinner then went to a Martini place called Therapy, primarily toget a parking ticket validated (which we didn't and should have but only cost 5 bucks). Sat down and had an Young's double Chocolate Stout. I've had it before, comes in a pint bottle, a little strong, quite good. Did you expect me to have a martini or any other drink without the word Jack in it? Anyway, the waitress starts chatting us (me) up. notices the Clemson rings. She is a USuCk fan but went to COC. Skippy and I figure out where she is from. BAMBURG..hahahah. She definitely know Jeffords and her dad was her dentist. Well, she continues to show interest. Being a Martini joint we ask which she likes. One with a little Jager is mentioned, I notice and call her on it. Magically about 10 minutes later Skippy and I get treated (comped) to a Jager Bomb split two ways. It was good and according to the delivery person (not our waitress) they were from an admirer. 10 minutes later, it happen again. Comped not once, but twice! Hence, with the weather moving in and this, hell is freezing over. Skippy swears I was the one with the magic as he wasn't speaking much and she kept coming around and making lots of eye contact. She was cute, petite, and very friendly. Not the type I typically pull for no reason. We will see how all this goes but it was a nice change to have a woman (women) comp drinks, show interest, and be pleasant to talk to. My card with a note and my cell number on the back made it's way to the signed check. I almost got caught placing it but even pulled that off smoothly. I'll take it, especially if she actually calls. Things are looking up again but as I mentioned, rough weather is moving in and Charlotte may freeze over. If it does, everything will make sense, if not, back to the routine.

No, Seriously

OK, so this may be the most absurd and disturbing post I have made but I have to before Skippy beats me to it. A little background: Went to Dick's sporting goods and picked up some Under Armour shirts and undershorts to run in at the gym, last Sunday. Needed a little help in sweat abatement, heard good things, bought in. So I washed some darks (all but one shirt) prior to using them. I have super sensitive skin as many of you noticed wit hteh Hi-Five back in college. Anyway, went on Monday and Wednesday in one of the shirts post wash. No problems, a little tenderness on the chest region but no big deal. soaked the shirt but it dodn't hang nearly as heavy. Fast-forward to this evening. Broke out the new, white Under Armour. Hadn't washed it but thought I would take the chance on the skin thing. 30 min later, no problem, I should be good. Start my run, knock out my 3 mile run, and the other 1.5 cool down and additional jog. To be graphic, the nipples were a little tender. Didn't think much about it. Usual t-shirt hangs heavy due to said sweat but don't rub and irritate. I look down after I step off the treadmill 45 minutes later. Nice little red spot on my shirt. Have I picked a scab? Blemish decided to rid itself? Oh no, hell no. Apparently I have rubbed my nipple raw withte bouncing shirt and all it's chemical irritation. First thought through my head "shit". Sad thing, little do I know this has been going on for a while as I have essentially a stream from said nipple most of the way down my shirt. WTF!?! And I thought the one gym instructor was just laughing at a joke previously told, after walking by on the way out. Shit gets even better. I notice said stream in reflection of glass door as I am leaving. Oh, and there are hot chics in the gym at 7 on a Friday...single, obviously, with me, my stellar stamina performance, and bloody nipple in all it's glory. I get home, look down, it's not just one but both. I look like I am breast fedding blood to the bastard child of the devil. I don't know why, how, or if I even want to. I just know that I've taken the cliche " I think I rubbed it raw" to a new level. I write this to you about 6 hrs later. My nipples burn like hell and I'm afraid of ruining my sheets without saving my chest and wearing a freaking band-aid. Imagine that softball strawberry time 5 on the sting factor in the shower. It sucks. That is all. Good laughs to you, focker.

Saturday, February 11, 2006

All Aboard!

The short bus is coming through to pick up the liberals, or at least at this site it is. I especially like this sticker as sent to me by Agent Orange. Too bad I didn't know about this place prior to my sisters trip to DC for a leadership conference. She could have packed one of these to go along with her "This is what a Young Republican looks like." shirt that appears to be too small across endowments from her mother. The Jeep should be donning the sticker once it's in part time service though.
I encourage everyone to get on the Elephant Train and start making jabs at the other side as often as possible.

Saturday, February 04, 2006


Bitch is going down March 24-26. Main urting will be adminstered on the nght of the 24th. If you work, take it off and get to party central. Those involved will no what I am talking about. I heard a nasty little rumor he only wanted to drink beer....thats a damn shame since I invested in Red Bull and a certain other beveage of thick consistency and a dark hue, a while back. Benny-boi, ask Agent Orange and Jimbo. I have a large say in what goes on, I have your eldest brother on board and I know the town we are going well enough. You are a dead man. Don't plan on knowing what the 25th of March looks like, other than the back of you eye lids. Bitch

Friday, February 03, 2006


I crapped my pants.

Have a great weekend.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Bumper Sticker

As seen on I-77 South yesterday on the side window of a late 90's ealy '00 Mitsubishi eclipse. Driver was obviously young/college age.

"Your little princess is my little whore."

I think this trumps "My kid beat up your honor student."