Monday, July 10, 2006

Not so bad

Thus far the trip hasn't been too bad. Got a front seat shuttle ride to the hotel and had no issues getting picked up and getting out here. Dinner in the hotel bar was more than a little steep for a panini and 4 beers but it was expected. Thought there wasn't going to be any places to grab food close by and even more concerned that most of the other trainees here wouldn'tbe people I would care about grabbing dinner with anyway. As it turns out, as long as a couple folks are willing to split the cab fair, there are plenty of decent, cheaper places around to eat. Most of the people here are younger, including a pretty cool chic from Omaha that has been to a couple of the same sales and training meeting that I have in the past. Always nice to see a familiar face and a group of young folks up for going out at night helps the attitude. An excursion to the Italian northside of town is in the works for tomorrow, also helping keeping the cost down and getting some fun in with a good meal. To top it off, I can't read the schedule and the Sox are in town Thursday night and we are goingto try and pull that off. I may be broke at the end of the week but if I can have an Italian meal from folks who don't speak any other language and get to see a game in Fenway, I won't care, it will have been worth the entire trip. Oh, and the class isn't going so bad either.

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