Sunday, August 13, 2006

Sunday Night Quicky

Yeah, so I spent both Thursday and Saturday nights at Poot's due to excessive alcohol. Stellar performance as you can tell. It can't/won't happen this week though as I am in the mountains Thursday night through Saturday for a conference. As you may have read over at the gnomes page, the beach held some of it's expectations. I guess that is it for now. Nothing big to report. No block buster ideas or deep thoughts and no antics that are unexpected or trumps to previous events or Nobrainers protected post. Football season is less than three weeks from now though so you folks know what that means. I am setting a couple goals though. First: To make all games other than FSU. Tickets are either set up or easily obtained for all the remainder other than Va Tech. Second: I will not "take a nap" in the Jeep or deface any of Peppinoes serving wear now will I do these acts in any other vehicles or locations. I plan to have my first "clean" Clemson football season. could be interesting, I just hope there are no Fun Bobby reprocussions from the plan.


Lawtonfunk said...

I'm not in the 'nobrainer's protected posts' crowd. I guess its just his way of making me feel left out.

Oh, and as for you sobering up and living a quality adult life-I hate you.

Agent Orange said...

hey, looks like the wife won't be able to make the WF game. When/Where are you guys heading out from. I was thinking that I could just tag along with you as you are closer than I am anyway.

The Double D said...

Funk - Just because I am going to increase my sobriety level on gameday's by no means indicates I am living a quality adult life. I'm still 15 in too many ways.
Agent - No plans set for Wake other than attending. It's my understanding tix are easily obtainable. I gotta talk to Poot more about it.