Tuesday, August 29, 2006

You can take Reality TV and..

well, if that reality TV is "Dirty Jobs", put it on the damn TV more. I find this show to be a damn riot. Tonight's episodes included Mike Rowe (the host) on location at a Monkey Refuge while he is supposed to be off the South African coast filming something for shark week. Apparently they have Spider Monkey's at this place and lots of them. It makes the line from Talledega Nights about coming at Chip like a Spider Monkey extremely relevant not that it wasn't funny anyway. The other episode he was chipping hardened concrete from teh inside of a mixer truck with a jack hammer. This is a hilarious show as they only bleep the comments and don't completely edit out those parts. It gives you a true understanding of the pure hell that many of them all. Be glad you are sitting behind your desk at work reading this and if you haven't tuned in, do it soon.

1 comment:

Nobrainer said...

When I'm not retching, I'm laughing.

Not a bad show.