Thursday, September 21, 2006


I’ve been meaning to post but have been pretty busy so here are some thoughts about things that I have forgotten, read about, etc.

First, Tuesday was International Talk Like a Pirate Day….and I missed it. I think we all did. I found a couple sites that talked about it. One had some cool terms but no phrases. Most we all know but it’s still funny. I would have worn an eye patch just for giggles at some point had I been warned in advance. I remember several radio channels talking about it last year but not this year. In honor of the day though I got me a cool pirate name.
Bloody Tom Rackham
Every pirate lives for something different. For some, it's the open sea. For others (the masochists), it's the food. For you, it's definitely the fighting. You have the good fortune of having a good name, since Rackham...blah blah blah.
Get yours here before ye get to swab the deck you land lubber.

Second, an article came out in my professional organizations email newsletter. The title was “Survey Says More Engineers Going Online for Information.” You can probably guess where this article is going so I’ll save you the details. To my professional organization, and I try to keep this blog PG-13 in language, I say with resounding tone “NO SHIT!" We should sign you up with the NSA due to your excellent investigative skills. I bet Heilmann knows someone they can get in touch with for a position as we all know he really doesn't design computer hardware like his cover job indicates.
Third, the same email also had a quick snippet about HP releasing a new engineering calculator that hooks up to USB ports and has all the bells and whistles. Surprisingly it’s the HP50G. 50 sounds about right as many of us had the 48G or GX starting somewhere around 10 years ago. I’m curious what this does to the used calculator market for old 48GX’s still in good condition. I really would like to get a replacement seeing as how I am still attached to the old one and it’s busted screen. Still looking for someone to sell one at a reasonable price.

Finally, I am headed to Springfield Mo. this afternoon for training and should be back to the QC sometime midday Sunday. Hopefully I will be able to get one last day on the lake. For those that don’t know Springfield is the state capital and about 30 miles from Branson, the midwest version of Gatlinburg, which is also known as Myrtle Beach in the Mountians. You get the drift so I expect to see some funny crap, at least in the airport. If I have internet access in the room, you’ll hear about it sooner rather than later. It’s a work trip for a new fan line. Lots of drinking will be done on someone else’s tab. It will be with old people. I hope to not sing Karaoke like my last trip to Missouri. My drunken rendition of the Chuck Berry classic “My Ding-a-Ling” was not too good but I still give many thanks to the Univ. of Missouri Co-eds who were kind enough to step in and sing back up for me. That was a funny trip but 3 years ago now. Wow, I’m getting old fast.

1 comment:

Lawtonfunk said...

Uh, Cyndi has one that makes a weird sound (may break in a year). Buy us some beer we'll call it even.