Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Da Boat

OK, dropping a cool G, or close enough, sucks. Boats are money pits...BUT...I got to spend 2 hours on the water, cruised for a while and anchored and had dinner on the sand bar while listening to the classic rock station. We found a ton of coves on the NC side of Wylie too, and it should be much less crowded in that direction, not that any of it compares to Lake Norman's regular crap. I realized why all men want a boat so bad. And to think, I haven't even seen a regular weekend down there yet, much less a weekend like the upcoming one. Game on for the rest of the summer!


Lawtonfunk said...

Congratulations! Just don't forget to put the plug in. That's not very much fun. I'll have to bring the Mayday up one weekend.

Agent Orange said...

yeah and watch for small craft advisories.....FUNK!