Wednesday, January 12, 2005


All you bastards are getting married,. 4 Weddings between the middle of May and the end of July . Factor in bachelor parties starting sometime in April and I can toss two months worth of weekends out plus my birthday and someone graduation that I not even aware of yet, but I am sure will come up. I will be well traveled at least but grad school is going to hate me. DAMN IT DAMN IT DAMN IT! You know what DAMN is, it's "D'MAN" twisted around. See D'MAN is behind this shit again. I bet he owns that cat that shits in my mouth on weekends too. Oh. I'm gonna find this sumofabitch and get 'em. Gonna get 'em reeeeaaaaal goooood!


Agent Orange said...

Like I told you earlier, just appreciated the free liquor and liquored up womens that will be at those weddings.

The Double D said...

liquor, ok, you not realize they all already know who I am? I mean really, I have a snowballs chance.

Lawtonfunk said...

Cyndi's bridesmaid count: My sisters, both married, Abby (Ben's Abby), Betsy (Tommy's Betsy), Su (Trey's Su), and her maid of honor, Melissa. Now Melissa is deaf. So you may actually stand a chance with her because she can't hear any of the stupid things you say. The last guy she dated made any of us look like we had class, style, and a full mastery of the English language. Oh, course, I think she's trying to get back with her old boyfriend, who will probably be her date. I think all of Cyndi's friends know you, too. Wait-she has a plethera of sexy crazy med school friends.

Agent Orange said...

Oh God can we please hook Horton up with a Doctor to be because that would just be funny, and by funny I mean her introducing him as a lab specimen to her class.

The Double D said...

"I'm Todd Horton, I'm in the Cabanna Boy Business."

Nobrainer said...

But what are the odds that the "sexy crazy med school friends" (assumedly female) are big fans of binge drinking and promiscuous sex?

... perhaps I've said too much.

Lawtonfunk said...

Consider this, these med school girls are stressed out all week. What the fuck do you think they want to do to relax on the weekend? Read poetry and discuss politics.

Lawtonfunk said...

Consider this, these med school girls are stressed out all week. What the fuck do you think they want to do to relax on the weekend? Read poetry and discuss politics?!? This is why you don't get laid, Kerry. You have to accept the fact that girls are just as big of hornballs as guys, which is why Horton does get laid.

Nobrainer said...

Thanks for the ego boost Lawton.

Lawtonfunk said...

Anytime I can help. Bwhahahahahahaha!

The Double D said...

I get laid? SWEET! If those chics are into politics and poetry thats cool. I'll read to them in bed after I get drunk as hell and bang them.