Monday, September 05, 2005

Good Stuff

I would post a long blog about this weekend but you, the readership, were all there and playing along. I styaed "on my feet" so to speak as opposed to last year so I remember pretty much everythign that went on. I hope everyone else had as good a time as I did. Somethign funny happen that I just wasn't around for (like sinking the dock with all of 4 people)? Post it so we can all laugh and laugh.


Lawtonfunk said...

Funny, I don't remember being there. Sure, just leave me in the dark. C'mon, posts about the exploits.

The Double D said...

Um, Friday we hit up TTT after finding our way out of the boonies where we were staying. I stayed in good shape for a change, didn't molest anyone and was pleasant to the ex in our first face to face meeting in quite sometime. Saturday was all day tailgate. Pros and cons to headache from dark beer the night before. I don't drink as heavily and make it too game while still being able to run said tailgate. CD's were a hit. Found poweraide solution to headache upon getting to the stadium...maybe a good thing this didn't happen earlier. TIGERS WIN! Sunday was Pot Belly tradition, golf, grilling out and shooting the hsit over beer late into the night. That was it. Good, under control times. I may even be reigning it in a little.