Friday, September 09, 2005

The Roaming Gnome

Well, my traveling gnome has taken up shop on the mantle. He hasn't even received groans from architecture boy. The orange has something to do with it and we have all this random other stuff in a collage up there so he kinda blends in I guess. I plan to take him to games as once you bring a gnome ot a game, and hte Tigers win, they must return until the streak is broken. I will be wearing the same shirt as well, so be prepared. Back to the gnome though. He needs a cool name. I like the idea of searching through some old historic names realted to Clemson. Frat Club names are welcome for the lamb chop readers out there but I think the Clemson idea is better. I may call him Heismann...the inner jock coming out maybe? R.C. wouldn't be bad either as Death Valley would be reminiscent of N'awlins' without him (no offense to those in the trajedy meant). I am open for suggestions though. It's kinda like naming a dog, but having a reason other than "it sounds cool." As soon as I get a digital camera to track his journeys he will be traveling with me. (Mom, Dad, Santa Clause, are you listening?) I aim to have a Quarterly picture block in Clemson World at some point where the travels of Clemson Gnomes are featured just as IPTAY handkerchiefs are displayed in the O&W. Anyway, give me a hand, I may even award the winner, and we all know what one of my favorite incentivisors is, if anyone can beat the two listed above.


Nobrainer said...

Does this mean that Greene needs to be reassembled and shipped down for the Miami game?

Poot said...

How about Howard the gnome? Maybe I will buy one as well and name him Calhoun.

Agent Orange said...

(Old) Orange Tom instead of the old green tom in front of Tillman. If that's not good you could always just go with cockhammer or monkeyspank. As for winning streak apparal, I have a new set of boxers to wear for the wins. They have a symbolic rubber chickens on them. They are especially for the USC game and they worked for the A&M game.

Clemson-esque names are:
The Engineering Gnome: Riggs (that is my future dogs name....DIBS!!) Procrastinating Gnome: Bowman
Studious Gnome: Cooper
Dignitary Gnome: Tillman

the list goes on

Nobrainer said...

The Bowman Gnome sounds good.

Agent Orange said...

Substituting for Mac is little mac. We can get an RC jet ski for him to ride!

Agent Orange said...

Mini Mac....LOL

The Double D said...

Decisions decisions but I am leaning toward Heismann and Bowman with Tillman stil lurking in the back of my mind. Another TH! We will see

Agent Orange said...

Corky.....that is all

Nobrainer said...

As of this afternoon, Greene "Broken" Gnome has been rebuilt to the best of my hungover ability. He will never the gnome he was before the accident, but at least he's still around.