Thursday, September 01, 2005

On a roll tonight

Three things:
An executive decision has been made that I will not be pulling a boat to Clemson at $3 a gallon. We have a dock, a cove and I will bring things for people to float on and a football. No point bringing something that will cost me an additional $50 bucks just so we can float above water in the middle of the same cove. We aren't even staying close to campus with regards to the part of the lake and I have no clue where the nearest public access landing is. That's a round at the Walker course and much less hassle!
I have now fully come to the realization that Ron White's comedy can be applied to most any situation or conversation about stupidity that occurs. Two days ago, on the way to lunch, a coworker (Clemson grad that I get my tickets from) was talking about the morons in Louisiana that stayed put during the hurricane then wanted rescued. First, and this is just my personal comment, what a great way to weed out some of the gene pool. Second, the immediate thought that came to mind was Ron's comment about the gentlemen in Key West, tying himself to the tree. Ron said and I quoted "It's not that the wind is blowing. It's what the wind is blowing." Unfortunately no one knew the joke, not even the moron warehouse manager who has seen the video a few times. A minute or two later Clemson coworker made a comment about getting smacked by a street sign. I wanted to say something about it being in your spleen, but knew it wouldn't matter.
The first two CD’s of the Wha and Poot’s greatest box set of the last 35 years has been downloaded/ripped and sorted. They will be burned tomorrow and available for your listening pleasure during the tailgate. We will be exploring the some of the best the 60’s and 70’s has to offer with disk 1 and Southern Rock with a splash of Country on disk 2. Expect to see disk 3 – 80’s music that will rock your cock off, pre-Miami. We may even be able to throw together some of your 90’s favorites or a disk of “this is good shit but which disk should it be on?”

1 comment:

Poot said...

I am missing a few songs that would complete the albums, if anyone has them, please upload to the JDGA FTP server.

The Stones - Angie
Elton John - Rocket Man
Elton John - Tiny Dancer (for my own pleasure)
Georgia Satellite - Keep your hands to yourself

Any other classic southern rock would be appreciated.