Wednesday, July 06, 2005

My recap, abridged

For those that weren't already a part of the madness, this past Monday marked my 26th year of existence. I felt kinda like a sororrity girl as we had a full weekend of partying to celbrate it. Having a holdiay birthday always helps though. If you want heavy detail see Brad's Agent Orange Recap via the sidebar or extended link below. Appologies for not being tech savy enough to make that phrase a link.
A few details that are missing is that I don't remember a 5 minute converstaion with Skippy at Selwyn pub. I woke up hung over but OK. made it to lunch two hours later, started eating and realized I was in trouble. Fruit salad, a pickle and loads of sweet tea are not too great ona weak stomach. I can home, cleared the ssytem and passed out for two hours. After waking around 3:30, I satin the energy sucking chiar, went through the numb face feeling and realized I was ok and pronounced "GAME ON." I kept control until the ass biting incident while polishing off Jack Bottle 2.
The lake was good, I am burnt and it took part of yesterday to clean the filth, towels, sheets etc left from the crowd. Well worth it though.
Next year hopefully more planning, space and water craft will be available and a real party can be manifested. Apologies to those who weren't informed but just think of the trouble we could stir up next year if we start thinking now. Oh and the 4th of July Fireworks here were kick ass. The perfect (less sex) way to end the weeekend.

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