Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Disaster Relief

To all those people who feel that it is their duty to speak out against the govenment and the efforts that have been made to aid those in need, do me one favor. Before landblasting the current administrations, please do the following: First, disclose the amount of funds, relief aids, etc, that you have donated or peronsally raised for the efforts. Second, think about what good your comments are really making? Are they getting anything done? Probably not, well at least nothing more than creating another headache, and question to take time to answer, when the folks in charge already have plenty to do. Third, remember that most of the dingbats were given a weeks notice to get out. If you were so concerned about them, why didn't you go pull them out BEFOREHAND? Forth, if the government is so poorly run, why don't you run for office and try to fix it. Oh that's right. You have, and those with more than half a brain voted to make sure you didn't get in. Now go back to these churches you are supposedly reverends at, assuming you can find them, and do something gather donations of food, water, and clothing instead of TV cameras and liberal reporters.


Lawtonfunk said...

Wha, are you saying Democrats are playing politics with the Hurricane Katrina disaster. Surely they would not be so tasteless. Of course they are asking 8 minute long questions to our next Chief Justice. Perhaps politics is more important the resolving the issues.

Nobrainer said...

I love that the consensus is that the government fucked up with this one. What will the resulting fix be? More government.